Syinstruktioner till byxor för män:
- beskrivning av syinstruktionernas innehåll,
- hur du anpassar mönstret och syr fickor,
- att klippa ut mönstret,
- att sy byxor med en enkel gylf,
- att sy byxor med en mer komplicerad, kort gylf,
- att sy byxor med extra lång gylf.
Beskrivning av vad syinstruktionerna innehåller
Det här är syinstruktionerna för mäns byxor. Dessa är relativt svåra att sy (eftersom en dragkedja ingår i mönstret, och det kan vara svårt att sy en sådan för den ovane). Byxorna har ett lägre framstycke. Du kan välja mellan tre olika sorters gylf/insättning av dragkedja: en enklare variant och en svårare, som finns i kort och långt alternativ.
Byxorna är högre bak, med en böjd mittsöm. Byxbenen är raka och av medium vidd, som enkelt kan ändras (för att bli smala, utställda etc.).De har en linning av medium bredd. Fickor ingår inte i mönstret och linningen har inte öglor för bälte. Instruktioner för hur du gör fickor finns. Syinstruktioner för byxor utan dragkedja finns under instruktioner för byxor till kvinnor.
Byxor till män innehåller framstycke och bakstycke.
Om du har valt att sy byxor med en litet mer komplicerad, jeansliknande gylf ska du också använda de extra mönsterdelarna för detta. Extra mönsterdelar 1 and 2 används till den korta, vanliga gylfen, medan mönsterdelar 3 och 4 används för att sy den extra långa gylfen.
Det finns också mönster till linningen.
how do we take the measurement with detailed instructions step by step
Thanks for pointing us in this direction. I’ve talked to Meagan and we will make instructions on how to take measurements. I’ll send you an e-mail when they are up on site.
how do we take the measurement of pants for men with detailed instructions step by step and how to stitch it including the zip also
If the provided instructions are not enough for you, you will have to find someone where you live that can show you how to do it.
how do we take the measurement with detailed instructions step by step
Read the links included in ”IMPORTANT to read before starting …” section. If these are not enough you will have to ask someone who can show you directly – where you are.
wanting to make grandson who is special needs and is odd shape good pair of trousers no bum or hips but a big tummy and long from the crutch to waste will need eclectics on waist to hold up any advise
We know it is hard to fit pants to your grandson’s profile but haven’t managed to find a really good solution during the trials we’ve done so far.
Pls give us more detail on measurement
If you read the instructions available under the heading ”IMPORTANT to read before …” you will be able to see how your measurements fit the different sizes. Also, under that heading you have instructions on how to adapt the pattern top fit your body.
We will upload forms for filling in all your measurements but they will not add very much to the instructions as hese should be enough for you. Our patterns are not individually fitted.To get that you will have to employ the help of a professional tailor or do the job yourself.
I like all of your work that i see and love how you do it .My english is not so good ,sorry about that.But i can read
i have always made mens and womens pants and i know how to get measurements bu when i finished sewing the measurement is always short and not fitted especially the seat , do i need to add allowance to the exact measurement i got from the client and how much bigger do i need to add?
I don’t understand if you tried our patterns and they fit badly but in that case:
They are general patterns for a seated position. It might be that a general pattern does not fit your customer perfectly. In this case – and indeed we recommend it to everybody – you need to adapt our general pattern to fit the personal requirements of you customer. There’s information on how to do this as well as how to use a sample garment to adapt the patterns under the part of the site called Important to read before …
For every measurment u take,add at least 2inches.for trousers,the back should be given more allowance.
YOU need more than 2 inches, YOU want more allowance at the back of trousers.
Please read ”IMPORTANT to read before you start using the patterns” on sewing sample garments and adapting the general patterns to suit you.
I have twice made men’s pants and the pockets pull out like they are not flush to the garment. I don’t know why
You’ve encountered one of the most ”impossible” problems with pants while seated. The pockets are almost impossible to make so they stay flat. It also is a very personal fit so what type pockets will stay put for one person might pull out for another. You can try making them more shallow or alter the pocket ”entrance” to be more like an steep angle against the side seam (look at how pockets in chinoos often are made) but there really is no guarantee that the pockets still will not pull out. You can also try things like velcro or buttons of different kinds to keep the opening together.
Personally I just don’t sew pockets anymore and instead use a bag attached to the wheelchair or such. If I want the feature I fake them – i.e. have them sewn together.
Sorry to not be of more help.
I want to know how to cut men trousers.the measurement in difference sizes.
The pattern provided includes different sizes + there’s instructions on how to adapt patterns even further.
dear sir, i wants to become distributor of your products.please contact me. my number is 08556990221,09653683774. my e-mail id
We don’t sell anything. The products we have are all on the web provided for free.
please take me through step by step on how to make mens trousers
Read the instructions. They are done step by step.
Thank you! Thank you! My 44-year-old son became quadriplegic last year as the result of a car accident. I’ve tried to make him some pants using pajama patterns but they do not look good. So I’m anxious to try your pattern. New pants will be his Christmas present.
Hi Martha,
did the pants pattern work out for your son? We would love to know of your experience. If you don’t want to write here send us an email on
i was in need of making suit for my boy how can i change the measuring it to pices
I am sorry we do not have the patterns adapted to kids sizes.
I would like to know how to measure pants from the hips to the crutch specially the back part. How many inches should be added to the crutch so when wearing it after sewn would not be riding high on both front & back. Please & thank you.
Our patterns are adapted so they are sewn on an angle and the back piece is therefore longer than the front. These sewing instructions are made for our adapted pants pattern. I can’t help you as it is impossible for me to know exactly what you want to achieve./ Susanne
I’ve liked your introduction on the men’s pants, I would like to be sent all the lessons including parts of the trousers and how to do the fitting. Thank you so much.
They’re only available as downloads.
U can see it here:
A bit different but Thank u so much for this pattern
Different is good though, isn’t it. Even when it is worn standing up
We certainly think so.
The link for the description of the content of the sewing instructions, leads to Sewing instructions for women’s pants. I want description for Men’s pants. Is it the same? Also, the link for cutting out the pattern, leads to Cutting out the pattern for the non-stretch skirt. I want the instructions for cutting out pattern of the Men’s pants, NOT a woman’s skirt. Please help. I follow instructions very well, I just need the correct instructions. Thank you.