Byxmönster för män

Mönsterdelar till byxor för män.
Syinstruktioner till byxor för män.

Byxorna har ett lägre framstycke och är högre bak med en böjd baklinje. Byxbenen är raka och av medium vidd, som enkelt kan ändras (för att bli smala, utställda etc.). Du kan välja mellan tre olika sorters gylf/insättning av dragkedja: en enklare variant och en svårare, som finns i kort och långt alternativ. Fickor ingår inte i mönstret och linningen har inte öglor för bälte. Instruktioner för hur du gör fickor finns i syinstruktionerna..

11 Responses to Byxmönster för män

  1. Pingback: Långbyxor för rullstolsanvändare, superenkel modell « Textil och tips

  2. Barbara Goad skriver:

    I need to make a mans suit for a costume. How do the lapels look on this suit?

    • susanne skriver:

      The pattern have no lapels. I’m going to see if we can write a blog about adapting the pattern to cover this and button/holes but can’t promise it will be done in the near future.

      You could try to take an ordinary jacket pattern with lapels and adapt ours from this. Make sure you do a sample garment first though.

  3. Mary Lou Drury skriver:

    I have a grand son with DMD, he is 11 years old and is taking steriods to help him function, but it has caused him to be very short and heavy, we are begining to redo his pants so they fit and feel more comfortable, just looking for a pattern to help with his fit. He is wearing a 14-16 boys size , if you buy to fit his waist the crouch drops to his knees. Do you have any childrens patterns?

    • susanne skriver:

      Unfortunately our present funding doesn’t include children’s patterns or adaption of the patterns we already have on the site. However, I’ll see if we can write a blog on adapting the pants pattern but I can’t promise anything in the near future.

      An adaptation would most likely involve raising the crotch seam instead of simply cutting he length of the body part of pants. I don’t even dare to make a suggestion what to try for adaptation, as there could be consequences to the fit of the body part. I’ll talk to Meagan, she’s the adaptation wiz around here.

      As we don’t have any kids involved in the project we are also lacking ”test pilots”. If/when we write an adaptation we will therefore put this up in a planned part of the website for ”untested” solutions asking you guys to help us with the testing. I’ll send you an email in that case.

    • Nancy Black skriver:

      Mary Lou, I have a son with muscular dystrophy who has wide hips (because they are dislocated) but has short legs. I bought him extra large sweat pants, and took in 1-2″ on the inside leg seam, but only taking from the front fabric, not the back. Taking in that extra fabric raised the crotch and eliminated the excess fullness in the front while leaving it large enough in the seat. Then I hemmed the legs to the desired length. Not too fancy but it works for us. I hope this makes sense. But I just discovered the patterns on this website and can’t wait to try them out!

      • susanne skriver:

        Thanks Nancy,
        this sounds like a good and easy quick-fix. I am going to talk to Meagan about it, but would you mind if we included it in the blog as a solution coming from you (our readers). I am sure Meagan can whip up some illustrations but we would have to check them with you to make sure we have understood it correct. If you feel like it we would also be very happy indeed to include a pic if you have one.

        I’ll send this message to your email also.

        Mary Lou et al,
        we are also talking about maybe try to change the content for our funding for the third year to delve into children’s clothes. But this is always iffy as it depends on the Heritage fund who finance our current project.


  4. shanice skriver:

    hi, do you have instructions on how to make the patterns from scratch?

  5. Rose Storey skriver:

    Unable to find the pattern for the mens pants When clicking on the link it takes me too the womans

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