Mönster – jackor, byxor och kjolar

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OBS! Mönstren på den här webbplatsen är INTE individuellt anpassade. De är generella mönster anpassade efter en sittande position. Läs instruktionerna under ”VIKTIGT att läsa innan du använder mönstren” först!”

Innehållet i ”Mönster”

Vi som sitter i rullstol vet hur svårt det är att hitta snygga och välsittande kläder. Kjolen åker upp bak. Byxorna skär in i ljumskvecken. Kavajen åker fram för varje rörelse tills axelvaddarna sitter som extrabröst vid nyckelbenen. Det är inte roligt!

Och så finns det några få som säljer anpassade kläder. Ett par av dem har faktiskt kläder som ser okej ut – om stilen passar dig och du har råd.

Det är inte så svårt som du tror att sy själv. Och när du har ett ”eget” mönster kan du skapa vilka klädkombinationer och varianter du vill. Tyg i olika material, struktur och färg ändrar utseendet på plagget helt. Fickor, volanger, rosetter likaså. Kjolen kan vara lång eller kort, byxorna blir shorts och jackan får muddar kring handlederna.

Med ditt ”eget” mönster vågar du också låta en sömmerska sy upp plagg för det där speciella tillfället – kanske en vit dräkt till studentexamen. Skräddaren som syr upp motorcykelkläder kan sy den där läderjackan alla kommer vilja ha.

22 Responses to Mönster – jackor, byxor och kjolar

  1. Olusola abisola skriver:

    Nice site.please always send to me sewing tips.am a beginner

    • susanne skriver:

      We are checking if we can add rss or similar so you can order updates on the site. Thanks for feedback.

  2. neeran skriver:


  3. toria famak skriver:

    This is really cool. Thanks a lot u r doing a good job.

  4. bamidele adenike skriver:

    what you are doing is great, please i will like you to send to me on how to cut a jacket

  5. This is really cool. Thanks a lot u r doing a good job.

  6. Glory Hanson skriver:

    I never knew I could find this on google. You really doing a good job here.

  7. susanne skriver:

    We are a small NGO without basic public funding. Fashion Freaks has at the moment received a project grant to find solutions on adaptation of ready made clothes and recycling of such. We do not have funding to employ staff to solve individual problems.


  8. Oyinkan Adeniyi skriver:

    What a lovely site, kindly update me on patterns for women’s jackets

  9. unweh skriver:

    Thanks a lot

  10. stephie wasney skriver:

    I need a pattern for a ”coverup” for a wheelchair user. I have seen some that were like
    a cape, which would work. What do you have that is comparable.? SW.

    • susanne skriver:

      Don’t really know what a coverup is.

      The project year starting in December will have blogs about existing garments, combinations, accessories etc. As of now we don’t have cape-like garments.

      On one of our pages there’s a ping back to a blog post with an easy pattern for capes. the blog is in Swedish but I think you can easily figure out how to use the pattern. Maybe this would work.


      You can easily lengthen the front piece (alone) to cover also the knees if you want.


  11. Anne Rosean skriver:

    Thank you for sharing these patterns! What a great resource for those looking for custom and cute clothing patterns.

    • susanne skriver:

      Thanks Anne,
      took a quick look around your site and have bookmarked it to come back too. You seam to have bucket loads of great stuff.

  12. Cathy Young skriver:

    I am looking for ready made or patterns for pants for women who have spina bifida , are sitting for long hours in their wheelchairs , and have no feeling over their bottoms .
    We need stretch, natural breathable fabric , minimal seams ( definitely no back seam )
    And higher at the rear to allow good coverage of the buttocks , and to stop the pants riding down under the buttocks . And they need to be really cool to appeal to this 18 -30 year age group .
    Thanks Cathy

    • susanne skriver:

      Sorry for being missing in action . Now …

      I am a high quad myself so know a bit or two about bum issues. However, I have handled it by means of fancy cushions (gotten fancier as the years have gone by). I know this is not the option for everybody and also is costly so believe me we have discussed the issue of seams in pants. The problem is that there is no way of not having seams at all. We talked about trying to have a whole back piece and sew the leg pieces on lower down (as low down towards the thigh as possible). But as the leg pieces have to come up and join the top part (back) of the pants at crotch level this would mean seams in the area where you have the seat bones possibly causing pressure sores there. So we do not have a solution.

      I had this spaced out idea that we should check out the padding professional cyclists wear in their bike shorts and see if we could incorporate this in the pants as protection. But we will not have the possibility to test it out. Also, Meagan looked distinctly less impressed with the idea.

      Otherwise our patterns or adaptions will cover the rest of your needs. Being cool in the younger age groups though usually has to do with being same so the adaption of ready made pants will probably fill that brief better.

      Sorry for not having better solution /Susanne

  13. Robbie Brewington skriver:

    I think what you’re doing is really, really awsome! I use an electric chair much of the time and have been looking for ideas such as these. But what I’m really having trouble figuring out how to do is to actually cut out patterns from my chair. As I am able to stand for less and less time, I’m not able to spend the time on my feet to work with patterns and cut the fabric out. It’s very frustrating–I do enjoy sewing smaller items but am really a garment sewer. So you’ll understand how hard it is for me not to be able to cut out the patterns I so want to make. Do you have any ideas about how I can adapt my cuttiing table or what I can use?

    Thanks so much for your time, effort, and interest in sewing by and for the wheelchair user!


    • susanne skriver:

      I don’t have any solutions to the adaption of the cutting table unfortunately. Sorry, I hope you’ll figure something out.

  14. Iris skriver:

    Love the patterns and Thank you so much for sharing. 🙂 (Connemara Ireland )

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