Hur du klipper ut mönstret till kavajliknande jacka för män

Syinstruktionerna till en kavajliknande jacka för män:

Att klippa ut mönstret

När du bestämt vilken typ av jacka du vill sy och valt ut mönsterdelarna till denna, måste du lägga till sömsmån innan du klipper ut delarna. Du behöver lägga till minst 1 cm sömsmån till alla kanter, och 2,5-3 cm vid fållkanterna. Du behöver oftast klippa ut två tygdelar till alla mönsterdelarna om de inte är klippta längs tygvikningen. Du kan välja att klippa kragen i samma tyg som jackan eller göra den och eventuella ärmmuddar I ribbstickat tyg.

Delar till framstycket med sömsmånBakstycke mot tygvikningen

Du behöver följande mönsterdelar: framstycke, bakstycke (välj ett av alternativen), ärmen (antingen den raka klippt efter en mönsterdel eller den böjda klippt efter två delar), foderkanter till fram- och bakstycke (var noga så du väljer de rätta), kragen och slutligen eventuellt ärmmudden. Var noga så du klipper ärmen i rätt längd beroende på om du ska ha mudd eller fåll.

Vanlig ärm med sömsmån

Om du inte ska sy mudd på ärmen ska du vidga sömsmånen vid ärmens fållkant.

18 Responses to Hur du klipper ut mönstret till kavajliknande jacka för män

  1. jb skriver:

    please send lay out and sewing for size 53 thank you or I am beginning

    • susanne skriver:

      You have measurements and correspondent sizes under the heading ”IMPORTANT to read before …”. Under this heading is also information on how to easily adapt patterns to inbetween sizes.

  2. victor skriver:

    i would like 2 learn how to cut and sew suit, and i know you can teach me better.

  3. chintan skriver:

    i m thankful to u that i got many information form your web site
    i know the cutting of men’s suit but i still want to improve it more so i hope help frm u that more information about cutting for men’s suit
    thank you

    • susanne skriver:

      Suits are hard to make in general. Depending on your body type and need for movement different pattern types will suit you. We have provided patterns for suits with both raglan and normal sleeves, with different backs and sleeves. We have no possibility to test or provide added information at this moment. If we get funding or time and can figure out how to make better information we will – but for now this is what we have.

  4. Shakeel Ahmed skriver:

    Asallam o alaikum dear sir can you explain that how we cut a pakistani mens shalwar kameez

    • susanne skriver:

      We are not planning to develop any more patterns at this moment as the recent funding we’ve received is for adapting already made clothes. I have added the pants as something possible to test if we’ll have time and funding to look into new garment types, patterns and such in the future. I cannot promise that we will come back to them.

  5. OPARA CHARLES skriver:

    I having difficulty in learning how to cut. suit, can you teach me?

    • susanne skriver:

      These instructions are here to give you opportunity to educate yourself. If you need more instructions you will have to find someone where you live that can show you how to do it.

  6. Gilbert Carillo Perez skriver:

    How can we get famous brands patterns such as Massimo Duti, Zegna etc?

    • susanne skriver:

      Ask Massimo Duti, Zegna etc to adapt their patterns. Or maybe try to adapt a patterns such as Massimo Duti, Zegna etc yourself.
      We’re not retailers, we’re only provide basic patterns, sewing instructions, adaptations etc or free.

  7. pete klassen skriver:

    Haha these questions are hilarious. Love the way you’re handling them. Thanks for info can’t wait to tackle this!

    • susanne skriver:

      Dear Dick,
      I am sorry for not answering earlier but your comment got lost at the back of open source. As you appreciate my way of handling questions I will be pleased to answer and approve of yours. I like the print with the catheads by the way.

  8. Nimrod skriver:

    after sewing a suit the lapels do not relax when it is been put on. please what could be the fault? pls help me out thanks

  9. Stha skriver:

    May you please show me how to cut a collar

  10. john skriver:

    thanks teacher for your teaching , would you plz teach me how to cut a mens coat thanks.

  11. Isaac skriver:

    Can I use these patterns for a standing person?

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